

Patties are a wonderful way to make your children (who do not master knife and fork yet) eat independently. Besides, they offer so much variety in terms of ingredients and different ways of preparation. That is why patties in all size, shape and color is a must-have on our lunch table at the moment.

Another advantage of vegetable patties is that you can add anything you got in your kitchen right now – even if thats just very little. The patty itself is pretty upretentious. As we did not have a lot of fresh stuff at home we spontaneously did these lentil-millet-patties. They are perfect for anybody who does not always have a full fridge but some standards (lentils, potatoes, millet, eventually oats) in stock. Let’s go:

for 4 People or ca. 12 Patties

1 cup red lentils
1 cup millet
5 small potatoes
1 hand full of oats
3 tomatoes (or tomato paste / veggies of your choice)
1 garlic clove
vegetable broth
Salt, pepper, yeast flakes, hot pepper spice
coconut oil for frying

Preparation time: ca. 45 Minutes


Cook the lentils together with the millet in enough water with the vegetable broth according to instructions. Wash the potatoes, peel them and cut them in bite-size pieces. Add them to the pot. Let everything boil together for about 20 minuts to get really soft until you can hardly see any difference between the lentils and the millet anymore. The water should be totally absorbed and all ingredients stick together as one mixture.

Chop the garlic and the tomatoes and fry them in a hot pan with the coconut oil until the tomatoes soften. Add them to the lentil-millet-mixture.

Now add the spices and approx. 2 TBSP yeast flakes and stir everything one more time. For the perfect consistence finally add the oats to the mixture.

Heat a pan with coconut oil and form some patties with your hand. Fry them from both sides until golden brown and enjoy while still warm!

The perfect side for these patties is the cucumber salad. Ideally you combine both with the potato salad to make sure there is something for everybody.

Note: Instead of millet you might want to use other pseudocereals such as Quinoa and Amaranth or whatever you just got at home at the moment (Rice, Couscous, Bulgur…).

By adding the oats (grains) you raise the biological value of the patties a lot because its amino acid profile adds up perfectly with the lentils’ (legumes) one. This is how you make all nutrients available to the maximum and get the best out of everything for your body.


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