As a holistic nutrition consultant it is my passion to support you in all spheres of vegan family life.
No matter if you are pregnant or planning to be in future, if you feel insecure how to manage your diet while breastfeeding or if you ask yourself how your baby is going to meet its nutrient requirement within the sensitive period of first complementary food. Etc….
As a mom I do not only benefit from my professional expertise but moreover from personal experience. With my own kids I walked through every step of it and know about all questions and insecurities arising along the way.
That is why I do not only provide you with the hard facts about nutrient supply but also share the many practical experiences, tipps and tricks that concretely help you in daily life.
My aim is to strengthen your confidence as a vegan mother by sharing the knowledge and tools for managing a vegan family alive and kicking. It is important to have this certainty of doing the best for your child and yourself in order to relax and enjoy motherhood.
That is what I would love to achieve with you. Are you in?